Saturday, 3 September 2011

Work In Process Of GUI and Flowchart

Group Name : Shopper Guyz

Title : Alamanda Putrajaya


Our main objective towards this website is to provide tourist from other countries and locals to know where are the shopping hot spots  in Malaysia. our website focuses totally on Alamanda shopping center Putrajaya . It’s a facility that have influenced the shopping center around Malaysia . It also the one and only shopping complex Putrajaya. 


Individual Task :

Task Description
Muhammad Amirul
Held meeting to discuss with group member and upload the initial proposal
Contribute Individual Task part for initial proposal.
Responsible to create the “Introduction” webpages and searching any kinds of Alamanda Putrajaya.

Muhammad Faris
Responsible for “About Us” on the Web page.
Responsible to search any kinds of info regarding Alamanda Putrajaya and its profile.
Responsible to create an initial design which is to describe the appearance of our website
In charge of organizing any group discussion and meeting for the 3rd assignment.   
Responsible to search any attractive outlet located in Alamanda Shopping Center. 
In charge of making the flow chart. 

Zhariff Ayaz Ahmad
Responsible to create an initial design which is to describe the appearance of our website
Responsible to search any attractive outlet located in Alamanda Shopping Center. 

Mohammad Zulhusni
Responsible “Objective” and “Individual Task” part for initial proposal
Responsible to search any entertainment, outlet for shopping and food and beverage.
Responsible to create the gallery webpages for the alamanda shopping centre
Responsible to search any attractive outlet located in Alamanda Shopping Center. 

Muhammad Amirul

Basically this is the first time design of our main webpage for Alamanda Putrajaya.

There will be header and content, and some different link at the side. the tab will be included home page, and 4 others web pages by each of our members to introduce their part.

Muhammad Faris

For my part, i have created a rough sketch of the GUI for the " About Us " webpage. I have created two information banner the one on the left includes the written information regarding alamanda putrajaya shopping centre and i put one image to the right.

Mohammad Zulhusni 

for my part, im in charge  for the "gallery" part. im putting flash video and some image of alamanda putrajaya building to look more exclusive. i used adobe photoshop to edit some of the image for my flash video. my flash video is contain some couple of image of outlet, fastfood stall, cinema and many more.

Zhariff Ayaz Ahmad

for my part, i just put a couple picture of attraction in alamanda shopping complex.

Reference :

Team Members

Mohammad Zulhusni Bin Md Haris ( Leader)                       1091105817 

Muhammad Amirul Syarhan Bin Zolkifli                              1091104954

Zhariff Ayaz Ahmad                                                        1091106178

Muhammad Faris Bin Mohd Idrus                                       1091105680

Monday, 4 July 2011

Alamanda Putrajaya

Alamanda Putrajaya is the first shopping centre built in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The Alamanda Shopping Centre, located in Precinct 1, was first opened at the end of August 2004. With the signing of Carrefour as the anchor tenant and along with the potential 180 tenants, Alamanda catalysed commercial activities for Putrajaya and created numerous job opportunities

Some of the outlets that you can see while here are:

Carrefour, Parkson, Cold Storage are the anchor tenants of this mall. You will be able to purchase household items and groceries from these three major shopping outlets

For the entertaiment GSC cinema at this mall is the only cinema in Putrajaya. People from surrounding areas such as Cyberjaya will come by here to see the latest movies especially during the weekends. If you are into bowling, the ARL Bowling centre is opened everyday including public holidays. This bowling alley has 26-lanes and WIFI Hotspot broadband services. The operation hours is from 9am to 1am with price ranging from RM4 to RM6 per game depending on the time of your game. It is usually more costly during the weekends and in the evening. Those of you who are into karaoke will be glad that there are rooms available for groups with standard room of RM25/hour. Family room is charged RM35/hour. The Karaoke centre is known as SUPERSTAR Karaoke