
Main Pages
Tools of use 
:Adobe Dreamweaver cs5 , Adobe Photoshop cs5

Background Images 
: large orange wallpaper ( background image )
: Buildings of Alamanda putrajaya itself (images)
: Got it from search engine 
: using photoshop to edit the picture to make it looks better.
: using Dreamweaver and make it as a background images.
( CSS code )
    <style type="text/css">
        body {
              background-attachment: fixed;
              background-image: url(introduction/kkk.jpg);
              background-repeat: no-repeat;

: using photoshop to create button
: create 5 button ( home , about us , attraction , contact , galleris )
: save as a image file (.png)
: then insert all  the button to the pages.
one of the button
IMAGES ( logo )
: images of alamanda logo ( taken from search egine )
: create the table and put it in the center of the page .
: to make the table line disappear , just change the table border into 0 .
( <table width="341" border="0"> )

alamanda logo
IMAGES ( building )
: images of alamanda building ( taken from search egine )
: edit the image using photoshop to make it better
: create the table and put it in the center of the page .
: to make the table line disappear , just change the table border into 0 .
( <table width="341" border="0"> )
: put the building images under the alamanda logo... 
:finally the main pages is done.

finalised main pages

Introduction pages 

Tools of use      : Adobe Dreamweaver cs5 , Adobe Photoshop cs5,
video download helper

Background Images 
: Buildings of Alamanda putrajaya itself
: Got it from search engine 
: using photoshop to edit the picture to make it looks better.
: using Dreamweaver and make it as a background images.( CSS code )
    <style type="text/css">
        body {
              background-attachment: fixed;
              background-image: url(introduction/kkk.jpg);
              background-repeat: no-repeat;

edited background images
: a promotional video of Alamanda
: download from youtube
 ( )
: using dreamweaver to insert the video( .FLV )

inserting video
: using photoshop to create button
: save as a image file (.png)
: the step is same like insert video but the different is after clicking insert button , clicks images .

: make the button as hyperlink images to main page.
<a href="main_page.html"><img src="introduction/power.png" height="100" border="0"/></a>

finalised introduction page


Introduction pages (GUI)

  hello there , i am in charge of making a introduction and main web page of alamanda . these are the GUI of my part :

introduction pages interface

For the introduction pages ,  i will put a  promotional video of alamanda and a button that will proceed to the main web page of alamanda after clicking it. the background image will be a alamanda building itself .

main pages interface
After clicking a button , it will automatically go to the main page of alamanda . in this page it will have five
 different button and two images for attraction in this page.
  the five button is consist of :


this is the task that had been assigned for assignment 3:

- Held meeting to discuss with group member and upload the initial proposal
- Contribute Individual Task part for initial proposal.
- Responsible to create the “Introduction” webpages and searching any kinds of Alamanda Putrajaya.